It is time we address the underlying pandemic of our age.

We are in the midst of a pandemic. Not COVID nor a new viral concoction those disposed to do so may be devising. It is a pandemic of mental/spiritual origin and effect. The infectious, destructive condition I’m referring to has been with us for millennia. It is a condition, a dis-ease if you will, which leaves many of those affected languishing in the belief that the “physical” world is our primary, if not our only reality. Or, others affected often see fit to engage in overly self-centered, sometimes brutal, schemes for personal gain. Schemes which ignore the damage such thoughts and actions are doing within our underlying spiritual reality. Damage which sooner or later expresses itself within our “physical” reality.

Above I put “physical” in quotation marks because, as with light waves which we can only see a certain portion of the full spectrum of, our physical reality also extends beyond the denser forms and actions we’re all accustomed to dealing with in our day to day lives. It extends into finer, more ethereal, spiritual aspects of our reality which those who are infected with the mental condition leading to the denial of this reality apparently find beyond their perception. Or possibly they have some perception of it but for reasons having to do with their enculturation choose to ignore such perceptions. Yet inescapably we affect and are affected by the finer, more ethereal aspects of our reality.

This condition, which results in a narrow window on our world, is a mental/spiritual condition which many seem to accept as part of the price for being a “good citizen” of a materialistic, competitive culture.  I wonder how many people are receiving treatment both in outpatient and inpatient settings simply because they found themselves perceiving and finding reality and meaning within some of the forms and actions within the more ethereal aspects of our reality? How a person reacts to perceiving things outside the realm of what their culture may regard as normal is often determined by whether or not they primarily regard the world with an attitude of fear or an attitude of faith.

It is when we are able to stretch out our perceptions more fully into the finer, more ethereal/spiritual aspects of our existence, our reality, that we can discover many blessings and abilities which remain out of our reach when too many daily stressors push us into a withdrawn, shut-down state of being. When fear and anxiety are intrusive into our lives, we tend to draw in, to shut down some of the higher functioning parts of our mind, our being. This loss of so much of the potential richness of our lives is one of the cruelest of the collateral damages within a culture of competition.

We see so much cruelty, so much inhumanity resulting from people holding an attitude of fear, avarice, intolerance, that it is easy to be deceived into believing that these ways of relating to the world are the underlying, inescapable reality of our existence on Earth.  They aren’t.  Love is the underlying reality.  However, when unguided by compassion and sound reason, even love can produce perverted, destructive actions. Such as when, as I have seen it expressed, we “love things and use people instead of loving people and using things”.  Or when we love the experience of our own being yet choose to callously disregard the experiences of others.

Creating a culture of fear is relatively easy.  Engage in violence, do things which blatantly and glaringly or subtly and insidiously injure people. Engage in actions which engender distrust.  Use political/economic schemes with armed legions of enforcers to take away and control the goods and freedoms of the general population of entire nations (even your own).  Those involved in the thinking patterns and behaviors which lead to the creation of cultures of fear are following their most self-centered, self-serving impulses with little or no concern for the effects which their actions impose upon, or evoke within others.   

Creating a culture of love, compassion, and understanding is a harder task.  The desire to do so usually is preceded by the awareness that we are all interrelated. For one thing, we are all a part of the environment which all other people live within. However, when we learn more about the energy/spiritual reality of our lives we understand how we are quite literally interconnected on an energetic/spiritual level. Someday I imagine there will books written about the effects each person’s spiritual energy contributes to our spiritual environment. We now know beyond a doubt that groups of people meditating in an area can reduce the crime rate. Manifesting a culture which is an expression of the positive, life-oriented aspects of our underlying spiritual reality requires people to be willing to put the time and effort into understanding themselves and others.  It requires compassion and patience when facing difficult interpersonal situations.  It requires tolerance of different practices and worldviews as long as those practices and worldviews are not inherently harmful to others.  It requires people to have a rock-solid commitment to the well-being of others as well as one’s own.   

Right now we are living in a world in which far too many are suffering under the pestilence of a culture of fear, avarice, intolerance.  Many are reaping the bitter fruits of devoting time and energy into fear, hating and war. Many are reaping the bleak fruits resulting from the personal or cultural allotment of large amounts of human and material resources for the building and acquisition of weapons of destruction.  The more energy, time and resources we pour into these things the more we see war and destruction proliferating around the world.  After all the teachings, the warnings we have had through the ages from saints and prophets about reaping what we sow, this sorry reality should come as no surprise. 

I would rhetorically ask what we should do about it, but the answer is obvious:  we need to start consistently sowing the words and actions which are exactly those which we genuinely would like to have returning to us and our loved ones.  That’s all. 

The Family Potluck

Image (c) AlexMax

Maybe some have never experienced a large family potluck. I know many have, however, unfortunately, there are probably some who haven’t. If you’re one of them, I hope as your life proceeds you have the opportunity to do so. A large family potluck provides an excellent analogy for how world economics should operate.

First, everybody should contribute. If not in supplying the food, in helping with the set-up or the clean-up. For the most part though, in my experience, participants either individually or as a component family of the larger family group, bring some kind of food. The result can be the most wonderful, varied, delicious collection of edibles one may have ever seen. A dizzying collection of aromas, colors, textures, and finally tastes. It can be difficult knowing where to start, what to put on one’s plate. Some may pick a selective and limited menu, opting for three or four items. While the plates of others may be a microcosm of the dizzying kaleidoscope of food displayed on the serving table. Large family potlucks can be some of the most wonderful feasts, both of food and of fellowship, that one can experience. As long as everyone is considerate, no one takes an inordinate amount of food, then everyone finds themselves delightfully filled.

But what if someone decided that they were going to take all of one of the items rather than a sampling of many offerings? That would put a crimp in things. Or what if someone said that because they had supplied the dinnerware, all the other family members should pay them an exorbitant fee to participate? Maybe someone in the family invented the fork and they want two-thirds of all the food as recompense? (Maybe they should be sent to their room and told to eat their forks?) Maybe someone is an excellent pastry chef and feels that because they have contributed such excellent pies they should be first in line and allowed to fill five plates; one for now and four for later? Or, maybe the elder family members feel age should determine the serving order and if, after they eat their fill and fill a few take-home containers the younger members can fight over the scraps? Or maybe it’s the reverse and the more youthful, belligerent family members forcibly commandeer the table and to hell with everyone else?

Family potlucks should not, and I venture rarely do, require someone to be the “food police”. Oh, sometimes it may require a parent to admonish a child that, for their own good, they should not just fill up on pie. However, generally everyone recognizes the flow and the balance of the gathering and with appropriate consideration for others, things simply flow smoothly and wonderfully.

Do you see where this is going?

News from the battlefront…

What Dr. David Martin has to share is not good news. It is not what most people want to hear. However, the salient question is “is it true”? While truth stands whether or not anyone chooses to believe it, as individuals we all make our own decisions on what we believe or don’t believe. In the important, worldwide, discussions around COVID and the mRNA vaccines I hope you will take the time to investigate what is being put forward by doctors and scientists on both sides of the discussion.

I am dedicating this post to expanding the viewership of this interview of Dr. David Martin. It is approximately 1 hr. in length. I hope you will view it and consider/research the assertions made within it.

An interview on the current lawsuit in the U.S. regarding the COVID/VAX campaign.

More information on mRNA writing itself into the DNA:

Pfizer mRNA vaccine goes into liver and changes into DNA, Swedish study finds

Doctors explaining the Swedish discovery on a talk show.

If you have to ignore world events to maintain a positive attitude…

If you have to ignore world events in order to maintain a positive attitude, you’re in trouble on two fronts.

1. As technology has given unprecedented access, for good and for evil, to nations, communities and people worldwide, isolationism has become obsolete. There has never been a time when personal involvement in political and economic affairs has been more important. Right now it may look hopeless because things have gotten out of hand, but that is an illusion. The Divine Creative Spirit flows through us all and through the entirety of our world. We are affected by it and we affect it. Our thoughts, our words our deeds, all these things create ripples thoughout our world. We are either acting consciously or unconsciously. It’s time we take back the creative processes of our world to thoughtfully form the world we want for ourselves and our loved ones. Even the thoughts we hold make a difference.

2. If internally you are overly vulnerable to the spiritual content of the individuals and groups who are engaging in hurtful, destructive, and maliciously manipulative actions, you are out of touch with your own, personal, source of strength and renewal. It’s time to get back in touch with the spiritual reality you are a valuable part of. The Divine Creative Spirit, God, is ever present, the strength and resilience of this Great Spirit, is available to all who seek it. There are many books, articles and videos made by others who are seeking and have found various valuable spiritual realities which they are sharing for the benefit of all. I have found “The Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East”, by Baird Spalding to be a source of strength. I’ve been told “A Course in Miracles” is also a valuable source. There are many, many more. And, there are men and women, ministers, priests, rabbis, imams, shamans, not all, but many, who also are personally in touch with the Divine Creative Spirit and can be valuable in offering information, suggestions and support to us on our path to a greater understanding and more enlightened participation in our own lives and in the world at large. Beware of any who claim to be a necessary intermediary between yourself and the Divine Creative Spirit! Embrace those who encourage and aid you in the development of your own personal awareness and connection.

The imperative need to recognize that we are an interconnected people.

Image (c) AlexMax

We are living in a world sickened, diseased by greed, war, poverty, lies, people turned against their neighbors, their brothers and sisters. We have become a splintered, fractured, fearful population inhabiting what is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful planets in the galaxy…and gradually killing it. Through human greed and thoughtlessness humanity has been imparting to the planet itself the diseased reality which has taken over the lives of many, many humans.

Why is this going on? Too many lies, too much greed, too little recognition of one of the central truths of our existence. What truth? The truth that we are all part of the same living reality. The truth that we are all interconnected, interdependent. That just as disease can wreck and kill the corporeal body of a single human being, just as cells not cooperating with each other, not working together to sustain the health and wellbeing of the whole body can result in the demise of the body, people not cooperating, not working together to sustain the wellbeing of the interconnected body of life upon our planet is working toward the destruction of us all. Just as wounds and sores inflicted upon our personal body open the path to insidious infections and further disease, the cultural wounds and sores of violence, war, poverty, lies, a lack of survival-oriented regard for the consequences of our actions, these things open pathways to insidious infections and disease within our human cultures.

If humanity is ever going to find a solid footing on this planet from which to build a future, we must abandon the prioritization of personal acquisition of wealth and align our values and our actions with the promotion and sustenance of healthy individuals within a larger, healthy community. We need to realize that we are all only as cells within the larger body of our human community. It’s time we own our reality and begin to make it the wondrous reality it has the potential to be. We can build communities, a human culture, which strive to create and sustain conditions conducive to human wellbeing for the totality of humanity. When, as the body of humanity, we begin working together, recognizing our commonality, our mutuality, we can begin fully realizing the wondrous potentials of health, creativity and enjoyment which we are capable of.

The past only defines or confines us if we lose sight of our inherent ability to improve our lives as individuals and as a community.

We are one, together we are whole.

Image (c) AlexMax

What we are seeing, experiencing, taking place in the world at this time is a concerted effort to tear the human race apart at the seams. For over two years now we have been told repeatedly, continually, by corporatized, monopolized, mainstream media to fear each other, to stay apart from each other. Through limiting interaction to video calls, we are being conditioned to regard each other as abstract concepts. We aren’t. We are living, feeling human beings. We need contact with one another. We need the touch, the fine cues we use in our person to person communications, the vibrations of each other’s speech, of each other’s presence. Those aspects of our lives, our being, are not fully conveyed through video chats, if at all.

We are spiritual beings endeavoring to co-create a manifested world to enjoy living within. We are here to experience and appreciate the Earth, the air, the water, the living things both plant and animal that share this creation with us. It is ours, as a group, to enjoy and to care for. We do not own it. No matter how many deeds or other pieces of paper, or software productions, a person may have which state that they “own” a piece of the Earth or anything that has been manifested upon it, those things are merely representations of agreements among people within communities. Agreements to abide by certain rules in order to establish and maintain more complex, civilized societies. Humans make them and humans can break them. They are only as real as we, as a society, choose to make them, as we choose to honor them. As with every other social rule and convention that exists, they are devices intended to serve us, as a whole.

We exist as components within a great system of energetic life. We do not own the system, however, with our minds, our wills, both individually and combined, we can manipulate aspects of it. We can build, and we can destroy. AND, what we need to keep in the forefront of our minds when we are engaging in our activities upon this beautiful planet we occupy, is that whatever we do, whatever actions, energy, we put in motion are going to effect us with the same nature, the same intent, that we give them. Do we want love, caring, joy, friendship to be manifest? Then those are the activities we need to engage in. Do we want to see pain, suffering, deprivation in our own lives? When we are engaging in activities that manifest those things, we need to realize that sooner or later, no matter how far we try to distance ourselves from those actions, they will find us and we will know them.

The energy field we live within and are a part of, flows around and within us. We have a great deal to do with whether or not the manifestations within this energy field are beneficial or detrimental to our lives and the lives of those around us. Now replace the word “energy” with the word “spirit”. Because we know that this reality we live within is not just some kind of ethereal jello that we get to play with as we see fit. No, there is an inherent consciousness, intelligence, within the field itself. We think of spirit instead of energy, we know that. We, along with the rest of creation, are the offspring of this great spirit. In that this spirit is loving, nurturing, forgiving, this is a reality to be celebrated. When we reflect the loving, nurturing, forgiving aspects of the creative spirit we are a part of, we will flourish. We will know joy, kinship, love and great possibilities.

But when we engage in, or allow ourselves to be ruled by, thoughts and desires of fear, greed, hatred, jealousy, when we turn upon each other in service to these things, when we forget our interconnectedness, we pollute our own spirits and our world. We become as diseased cells within the body of creation.

That is why, if we want to realize the full measure of the beauty, the joy, the wonders which this creation, of which are a part, has to offer us, we must always keep in mind the kinship, the mutuality, the interconnectedness which is inescapably ours. We can celebrate that reality and realize it’s blessings, or we can engage in self-centered, egocentric, pettiness. When we stop, be still, and realize that as wonderful, utilitarian and enjoyable, or as terrible and destructive, as they may be, nothing which we can create using the material of the manifest world around us, can come close to the wonders, or the power, of the spiritual reality we are freely given as our legacy as children of the Great Spirit which has birthed us.

Imagine That

I am of the noble God mind.

You are of the noble God mind.

Everything is of the noble God mind.

How do things get so messed up?

Because the Universal Creative Spirit gave us free will.

Would you want a world populated by robotic beings all doing the “right” thing, dispassionately?

No surprises.

No joy.

There is joy and creativity to be found, in abundance, within the noble God mind.

It surrounds us.

We have choices.

We can choose to recognize the wondrous gift bestowed upon us, love one another, cherish one another, treat each other and the world around us with consideration…

Or we can choose to allow unexamined, egocentric motives to drive us to destruction.

Is it desirable to build a world bent on self-destruction?

Too often, we allow other humans to do to us what God would not; turn us into all but mindless functionaries.

Servants of petty, egocentric, motives.


What qualities within our human nature allow this to happen?


An unexamined desire to be part of a group?

We can do better.

We can choose.

We can consider our motives, our actions.

We can manage our world, it’s resources, in ways that actively encourage and nurture, healthy, creative individual lives.

Individual lives within a society which embraces consideration, empathy and mutuality.

A society in which we work at a fuller realization of, and proper stewardship of, the gifts the Creative Universal Spirit, God, has bestowed upon us.

Most of us have barely plumbed the depth of the wondrous gifts, the miracles, the magical wonders which we, by virtue of our legacy as children of and within the Divine Creative Spirit, may access and benefit from.

Nor will we as long as we continue to allow egocentricity to guide our lives.

Under the oppression of the egocentricity of people suffering from inordinate craving for material wealth and power, these wonders will continue to be seen as miracles performed by historical figures, not a real and active aspect of our lives.

We have the ability to build a society in which the default motive in our dealings with one another is love, rather than fear.

A society in which we all recognize each other as, at the least, a best friend in the rough.


Imagine that.

A personal Q and A around COVID and the vaccines.

Image: (c) solarseven

After a couple years of reading and listening to the information being put forward by the media and by many doctors and other highly qualified scientists and researchers, I decided to do a Q and A type format to share what I have learned so far regarding COVID and the mRNA vaccines. These answers may seem vague. They are not intended to be definitive. For the average person on the street, trying to find definitive answers around COVID and the vaccines can be a little like trying to grab an eel. There is no shortage of “true believers” on either side of the vaccine issue looking to proselytize you. It behooves all of us to look into this subject from both the pro and con perspectives. Possibly this Q and A can help you begin to formulate a viable risk/benefit analysis for your own decisions. Keep in mind that all my opinions are based upon information which I have found published by either medical doctors or other qualified professionals who took the time to address the COVID issue. We all need to vet the professionals we choose to believe in this convoluted, controversial issue.

Q. Does COVID exist? A. Yes. There seems to be little dispute among qualified doctors and scientists that the COVID virus exists.

Q. Are some people dying from COVID? A. Yes.

Q. Do some people survive COVID without having been vaccinated? A. Yes.

Q. Does having been vaccinated reduce the severity of symptoms if contracting COVID? A. For some, not for all.

Q. Are there some lasting adverse health effects from having had COVID? A. For some.

Q. Are there risks associated with taking the vaccines? A. Yes. For some more than others.

Q. Are some people dying from the vaccines? A. Yes.

Q. Are some people experiencing severe, but non-fatal, adverse effects from the vaccines? A. Yes.

Q. Do all people who receive the vaccines experience lasting, adverse side effects? A. No.

Q. Does being vaccinated mean that you cannot transmit COVID to others? A. No.

Q. Do the vaccine manufacturers, or the governments which mandate vaccines, stand behind them by paying for losses due to adverse side effects? A. No. (This was something which was determined before the vaccines were released.)

Q. Is it more dangerous for a school aged child to be vaccinated than to contract COVID? A. It depends upon the child. For some children, taking the vaccine has produced tragic results.

Q. Are there effective treatments, other than vaccines, which are being used to protect people from COVID? A. Yes.

Q. Are these “other than vaccine” treatments safe and effective? A. Some are definitely safer and more effective than others.

Q. Can my doctor tell me if I am someone at a greater or lesser risk for adverse side effects if I am trying to decide whether or not to be vaccinated? A. With the amount of time that vaccinations have been taking place, and with the tens of thousands of cases of those who have experienced adverse side effects available for review, one might tend to think so. However, ask your doctor.

Q. If, due to pre-existing conditions, I believe I am at higher risk for an adverse reaction to the vaccines, will my doctor prescribe one or more of the medications which are showing efficacy in treating COVID? A. Ask your doctor. Good luck with that.

Q. Is the blanket statement that the vaccines are safe and effective true? A. No. Results in both areas, safety and effectiveness, can and do vary, sometimes greatly, from individual to individual.

Q. Especially with relatively safe and effective alternative treatments available, why isn’t the highly regarded practice of individual treatment plans, which take an individual’s existing health issues and personal lifestyle choices into account, being used when prescribing, or administering, mRNA vaccines? A. Good question.

Q. Is it true the sale of vaccines is producing extravagant profits for some? A. Yes.

Again, this Q and A presentation is not meant to be a definitive review of the topics presented. In fact, it may well produce more questions for you than answers. If so, that can be a good thing if you follow through and research the information, both pro and con, on the questions you have.

The world is in turmoil. What can we do?

Much of what’s taking place in the world today has been made possible by amazing communication technologies. While these technologies bring much of positive value to the world, as with so many other developments, they also offer those with dishonorable motives new avenues through which to prey upon communities. The latter application of these technologies has reached such proportion, If I wasn’t seeing it happen, I’m not sure I would have believed it to be possible. I grieve that it is.

I was born in 1950. I remember the U.S. Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy. I remember what I saw as a child of life in those times. I remember the post WWII mind set which was predominant in those days in the midwestern United States. There was an undercurrent of optimism, positivity. Diseases were being conquered, diplomacy, rather than war, occupied the headlines. People felt good that tyranny, authoritarianism, genocide, had been defeated. As is all too clear now, the world wasn’t as free of some of these human problems as many believed.

It’s not that everything was ideal, not at all. There were (and sadly still are) issues of ignorance, misunderstanding, fear, hatred, between people of differing races and religions. There were the major rifts between the nations identifying with capitalism and those identifying with communism. However, during WWII, people from many nations, nations with histories of distrust, antagonism, had pulled together to defeat a common enemy. There was optimism that the common values which had surfaced during the war could be built upon to establish lasting peaceful relationships. It was a time of the belief in unlimited possibilities for a better world.

What is absolutely apparent now, is that those who perceived the possibilities for improving the conditions of life for all people, weren’t the only ones seeing unlimited possibilities. There were those who saw the potential of using the new technologies, the developments in transportation, communication, psychology, medicine, and other disciplines, as tools for plunder. Rather than embracing the opportunities to engage in massive development, to facilitate improvements for the common good, they saw, and continue to see, human deficits through the lens of exploitation. Not as areas of need to be addressed with pervasive development and education, but as openings to be exploited in order to establish themselves in predatory positions of power within the systems of the world.

It is apparent now, that post WWII, those seeking personal wealth and power have been working, manipulating public perception. Often co-opting the very symbols which had represented the defeat of tyranny, authoritarianism and inhuman behaviors. They employ words and symbols which once stirred the most positive motives within people to obfuscate and shield their predatory agendas. One of the first major coups these people won was, via magazines, television, and other media, establishing the idea of unrestrained pursuit of personal wealth as a positive primary value in the psyche of people around the world. Once that lie, a lie which ignores basic values necessary to maintaining both healthy individuals and healthy cultures, was pervasively established in the minds of the population, the door to pandemonium was opened.

Competitive economics establishes a system in which those at the top have the distinct advantage. The oppressive, sometimes murderous, methods used to maintain and expand the wealth of those at the top become just the methods of “business as usual”. After all, it’s what you would do if you had all that money? Isn’t it? It’s the value system the media repeatedly portrays as the way of the world. And many, especially those who have never been exposed to something different, simply assume that impression to be the global, inescapable reality.

Abraham Maslow provided us with a working framework, a skeleton, within which it is possible to “flesh out” not only healthy, thriving individuals, also healthy, thriving cultures.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

How do we know what is needed to “flesh out”, to establish a viable, worldwide, thriving human culture? We have the findings of the work done in many scientific disciplines over many centuries to guide us. Psychology, sociology, medicine, agriculture, engineering, all of these disciplines, and more, hold information which provides the necessary answers. There are the developments in science and the arts which provide much instruction for the establishment and maintenance of a healthful, thriving human culture. There are answer available to us to the problems of housing, health, energy, pollution, and more. Sometimes these answers go unused because they interfere with the profit motive of those in positions of power. And we accept it because the culture of competitive economics has become normalized.

The thing is, we have got the tools we need to establish a world in which people of many different backgrounds can live together as vital aspects of our world ecology, interacting and enhancing each other’s experience of life. What is missing is the focus to make it happen. I would have said the “will” to make it happen, but I believe that will is present, inside every living human being. Sometimes it is dormant, sometimes it has been covered in so much pain and trauma, so many lies and misdirections, that it expresses itself in twisted, destructive ways. But it is there.

As a teacher of mine once said: “Life takes work, it’s death that’s easy. Just do nothing and you will die.”

All people emanate from and are inextricably a part of the Divine Creative Spirit. This aspect of our existence is represented by the golden circle in the center in the diagram above. The next area, the circle which surrounds the center circle, is the “Worldly Persona” which is the identity the rest of world knows us by. It is defined by our words and deeds which are observable to the rest of the people in the world. It is this persona that is the product of the process described below. Our persona reflects the sum total of our worldly experiences, desires and decisions.

There are no “bad people”, there are no “good people”, there are only people. What makes the difference between tyrants such as Adolf Hitler, Mary I of England, or Pol Pot and revered personalies such as Gautama Buddha, St. Teresa of Calcutta, or Martin Luther King Jr.? It is not some mysterious, unknown variables. The difference lies in the sum total of their individual experiences (education, indoctrination, relationships, interactions), their desires, and their decisions. It is important to note here that the “sum total” may include the experiences, desires and decisions of many lifetimes. Also that biology and/or injuries can play a major role in the development of an individual’s persona.

However, we are thinking beings with free will. We have the potential to change. We can mold not only ourselves, but the world we live in. If we decide we desire a better, more harmonious, world, and we act upon that desire, we can bring that vision to reality. It may take time, but the sooner we start, the sooner we arrive.

With the determination to do so, bitterness can be transmuted to understanding. Fear and hatred can be transmuted to caring and love. However, we must stay aware that the opposite is also true. Caring and love, with enough abuse and trauma, especially when accompanied by input and reinforcement to do so, can be replaced with hatred and cruelty. We must end the mistreatment, the cruelties we impose upon one another. We must see each other as being the children of the same Creator, which we are. As we now know, we are all inextricably interconnected. Isn’t it time we established the positive, harmonious, joyful, reality we all, at the core of our being, long for?

In summation, while we all can, at times, be negatively affected by the world around us, through enlightenment, education, understanding, we can transmute negative impulses into constructive actions. We can play a more positively determinate role within our own lives, within our relationships, and within the world around us.

At this time, around the world, we are being advised by individuals and agencies, which wield substantial worldly power, to be fearful. We are being urged, coerced, to be compliant, to follow the instructions we’re being given. Instructions which appeal to the fear the media and corporate powers are largely responsible for instilling. In their positions of power within the media, the corporate powers are wielding an incredible ability of censorship over information. They routinely do not publish truths which disagree with, which dispute the predatory agendas they are implementing. A predominant one at this time is the COVID/”vaccine” agenda. Any information which contradicts the fear based agenda they are pushing, is either censored in corporate media, or, if it is referred to, it is done so in such a way as to discredit that information.

A collection of various and sometimes overlapping people have introduced a previously unknown disease into the world apparently in the pursuit of a homicidal, special interest, agenda. And they may introduce more. They are offering toxic, death-dealing treatments and doing all they can to repress the knowledge of the existence of safe, effective treatments. And throughout it all, they are engineering the flow of vast amounts of the world’s wealth into their hands. Yet we can make the decision to comply with this heinous agenda, or not. We have the final decision in whether or not to allow the pollution of our minds and spirits with the fear and hate they are promoting. And, we have the final decision whether or not to allow the pollution of our bodies with the toxic substances they are pushing.

Changing the focus back to our inherent divine origin and heritage, even when we are being motivated by fear, anger, hatred, even then, through the filters of our mind which are active at that time, we are expressing the innate desire for life which is present within all of us. However, if we desire a more harmonious, healthful, joyful life, we need to discipline ourselves to refrain from expressions which lead to more harm, more trauma, more fear, anger and hatred in the world. While we cannot ignore such emotions when they are present, we must learn to see through to the primary, underlying reality of the desire for life which is there. We must learn to see it not only within ourselves, but in “the other”. When we can do that, and when we embrace the values of negotiation, understanding, mutuality, and the desire for resolutions which enhance the harmony of human interactions, we can have a genuine heaven on Earth.

All through my life I have heard skeptics, cynics, say that such a thing is “too idealistic”, not practical, not possible. Even they, in doing so, inadvertently acknowledge the ideal nature of such thinking. If we aren’t devoting our time and energies toward seeking and establishing the ideal, what are we spending them on? Seeking and establishing the mediocre? The dysfunctional? Or are we just letting entropy, the slow slide into dissolution, be our guiding motive?

Ultimately, whether in the United States or someplace else in the world at large, the term coined in the U.S. by the authors of the Declaration of Independence, “We the People“, represents a reality which can stop tyrannical abuses and elevate humanity. It is within our individual decisions, that we collectively possess the ability to determine the direction this period of history will follow.

Self-assembling nanobots, radio controlled nanoparticles which affect cellular activity, science fiction? No, science fact.

Image: (c) solarseven

I have personally witnessed a physician ridicule Dr. Zelenko for his assertion that there are self assembling nanobots. What that reveals to me is how reticent some people, even M.D.’s are to doing their own research. That is a major problem. If physicians were all content to stay regimented to the status quo, we’d still be seeing the use of leeches as a common medical practice. I venture few physicians are spending much time doing research on the incredible success of Ivermectin in India. I know when I mentioned it to one physician, they thought it was Remdesivir which had been the medication used to achieve the success. That is the propaganda physicians are being spoon fed via the established hierarchical information system they seem to rely upon. The problem is, when profiteers are sitting at the apex of the hierarchy, the information flowing through the system is not only vulnerable, but likely to be manipulated to facilitate a profit oriented, not necessarily a health oriented, agenda.

Below is a link to just one more piece of information which a lot of people do not believe is a reality. Radio controlled nanoparticles used to affect cellular activity. The more information which comes to light, the more it is becoming apparent that the most seemingly far-fetched allegations made by researchers into the contents of the COVID “vaccines” do relate to actual technology. There is no question that much has been hidden from the public about the contents of the mRNA injections.

I think we may be witnessing the creation of sequences of unintended consequences the like of which the world has never seen.


Ferritin nanoparticle compositions and methods to modulate cell activity.

Researchers Have Made Self-Assembling DNA Nanobots With Encoded Structural Plans