A personal Q and A around COVID and the vaccines.

Image: (c) solarseven http://www.fotosearch.com

After a couple years of reading and listening to the information being put forward by the media and by many doctors and other highly qualified scientists and researchers, I decided to do a Q and A type format to share what I have learned so far regarding COVID and the mRNA vaccines. These answers may seem vague. They are not intended to be definitive. For the average person on the street, trying to find definitive answers around COVID and the vaccines can be a little like trying to grab an eel. There is no shortage of “true believers” on either side of the vaccine issue looking to proselytize you. It behooves all of us to look into this subject from both the pro and con perspectives. Possibly this Q and A can help you begin to formulate a viable risk/benefit analysis for your own decisions. Keep in mind that all my opinions are based upon information which I have found published by either medical doctors or other qualified professionals who took the time to address the COVID issue. We all need to vet the professionals we choose to believe in this convoluted, controversial issue.

Q. Does COVID exist? A. Yes. There seems to be little dispute among qualified doctors and scientists that the COVID virus exists.

Q. Are some people dying from COVID? A. Yes.

Q. Do some people survive COVID without having been vaccinated? A. Yes.

Q. Does having been vaccinated reduce the severity of symptoms if contracting COVID? A. For some, not for all.

Q. Are there some lasting adverse health effects from having had COVID? A. For some.

Q. Are there risks associated with taking the vaccines? A. Yes. For some more than others.

Q. Are some people dying from the vaccines? A. Yes.

Q. Are some people experiencing severe, but non-fatal, adverse effects from the vaccines? A. Yes.

Q. Do all people who receive the vaccines experience lasting, adverse side effects? A. No.

Q. Does being vaccinated mean that you cannot transmit COVID to others? A. No.

Q. Do the vaccine manufacturers, or the governments which mandate vaccines, stand behind them by paying for losses due to adverse side effects? A. No. (This was something which was determined before the vaccines were released.)

Q. Is it more dangerous for a school aged child to be vaccinated than to contract COVID? A. It depends upon the child. For some children, taking the vaccine has produced tragic results.

Q. Are there effective treatments, other than vaccines, which are being used to protect people from COVID? A. Yes.

Q. Are these “other than vaccine” treatments safe and effective? A. Some are definitely safer and more effective than others.

Q. Can my doctor tell me if I am someone at a greater or lesser risk for adverse side effects if I am trying to decide whether or not to be vaccinated? A. With the amount of time that vaccinations have been taking place, and with the tens of thousands of cases of those who have experienced adverse side effects available for review, one might tend to think so. However, ask your doctor.

Q. If, due to pre-existing conditions, I believe I am at higher risk for an adverse reaction to the vaccines, will my doctor prescribe one or more of the medications which are showing efficacy in treating COVID? A. Ask your doctor. Good luck with that.

Q. Is the blanket statement that the vaccines are safe and effective true? A. No. Results in both areas, safety and effectiveness, can and do vary, sometimes greatly, from individual to individual.

Q. Especially with relatively safe and effective alternative treatments available, why isn’t the highly regarded practice of individual treatment plans, which take an individual’s existing health issues and personal lifestyle choices into account, being used when prescribing, or administering, mRNA vaccines? A. Good question.

Q. Is it true the sale of vaccines is producing extravagant profits for some? A. Yes.

Again, this Q and A presentation is not meant to be a definitive review of the topics presented. In fact, it may well produce more questions for you than answers. If so, that can be a good thing if you follow through and research the information, both pro and con, on the questions you have.

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