Lies, Profits, and Protecting the Integrity of Our Place in the World

During my lifetime I have witnessed the people of the U.S. and the world be lied to frequently via “mainstream” media. Lied to by individuals and groups who occupy the positions of Governmental and industrial power. Some of the events which stand out in this regard are:

The JFK assassination.

The Gulf of Tonkin attack.

The Oklahoma City Bombing.

The events of Sept. 11, 2001.

Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

The origins of the COVID virus.

The safety and efficacy of the mRNA vaccines.

In all cases the stories put forward, the lies, have served clearly served the agendas of a minority of people within the military/industrial/governmental complex. All of the lies have served to increase fear, division and often hatred within the general population of the U.S. Some of the lies have promoted hatred toward the people of other countries. In at least three cases, the lies have been used to promote military action, war, against the people of other countries. All of the lies serve to demonstrate to any and all who are paying attention, that those occupying key seats of governmental/military and industrial power and influence in the U.S. are not interested in the wellbeing of the general population of the U.S. Nor are they interested in the genuine wellbeing of the people in any other country. They have their own, narrow, self-serving agendas and will lie to further them. Their lies have resulted in the suffering, maiming, and deaths of multitudes of men, women and children in other countries along with the lives of Americans.

It is the responsibility of all citizens who want to see our nation, we as a people, regain a positive, healthful quality of life to wise up to these calculated manipulations of our hearts and minds. Read, watch, listen, learn, think through, and always follow the money. With the desire and the effort to do so, we can become invulnerable to such manipulations. When being asked to hate or kill, or to be ready to die for some agenda or cause being promoted by those in political power and parroted by the “mainstream” media, ask yourself four things:

1. Are the reasons being given to promote a war real or is there evidence to reasonably believe that the reasons/events which are the basis for the call to war are being manipulated or even created by those putting forward the call to war?

2. Is it really in the best interest of myself, my family, my community to follow the direction being put forward? Why, or why not? (Or does it seem to primarily serve some other peoples’ agenda of acquisition of wealth and power?)

3. If there is a real, immediate, compelling problem, is there a better solution to the problem than that of violence, death and destruction?

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