The technocratic takeover of the U.S.A. and other countries.

Apparently driven by questionable motives including the profit motives of big pharma, the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) along with the cooperation and involvement of various Governors and other governmental office holders, have turned the United States into an authoritarian nightmare that people who lived during the first 60 years of the twentieth century would not recognize. The dream of a “Beacon on the Hill” has devolved into an anything goes scramble for wealth and power. The COVID debacle has been working to play upon fear and bring out the worst in many government officials. Not just in the U.S., also in other countries. After firing people from their jobs because they would not concede to an invasive medical procedure (COVID vaccines), they now bemoan the lack of workers. And after instituting sweeping quarantines which resulted in the permanent closure of many small businesses and much loss of income, poverty and homelessness is a true pandemic. Perhaps one reason people are having difficulty recognizing the money/power grab that is taking place is the fact that it is playing out on a global scale. The means to implement such a scheme have not been available until now. The developments which enable such a scheme include; large international corporations, big media controlled by a few corporations, a large percentage of the world’s wealth captured by a small group of people, politicians dependent upon corporate donations to maintain viability in the arena of big money election campaigns, the list goes on.

Following the example set by historical authoritarian dictators, those behind the curtain of the COVID/”vaccine” campaign fear common people engaging in critical thinking and especially fear information contradictory to their agendas being widely disseminated. They are engaging in grievous violations of the First Amendment guarantee of free speech (among other constitutional protections) and are engaging in defamation and witch hunts of medical and scientific professionals who dare spread information which contradicts the “mainstream” narrative around COVID and the vaccines. Their actions demonstrate the dystopian, authoritarian practices we who grew up during the 1950’s and 60’s were told are some of the methods which communist, totalitarian governments use to brainwash and control their populations.

Now, on the international scene, the G20 has agreed to institute “vaccine passports” purportedly to boost travel and tourism. It seems to me to be placing an artificial constraint on the free flow of people in the world. I grew up watching black and white movies and television shows in which fascist soldiers would come onto trains demanding to see people’s “papers”. I recently experienced something similar on a train trip from Denmark to Germany. At the German border officers walked the aisles of the train to make sure passengers were putting on masks. Even though the passengers had been traveling for some time without masks. When returning to Denmark the authoritarian absurdity of it all was demonstrated again when, at the Danish border, almost all, if not all, passengers removed the masks we were forced to wear in Germany.

We aren’t being protected from COVID, we are being trained to comply. To comply mindlessly and without critical thought. I used to wonder how 6 million Jewish people could allow themselves to be rounded up and marched into ovens. I wondered how the good people, the average citizens, of Germany, Austria and some other countries could have sat by while such an atrocity took place. The answer is to be found simply by taking a hard look at what is happening in the U.S., Australia, Canada, Germany and other countries in which the dictatorial, authoritarian medical technocracy is exerting itself. In the process it is pretty effectively transforming the U.S. constitution from the law of the land into a mere list of suggestions.

News from the battlefront…

What Dr. David Martin has to share is not good news. It is not what most people want to hear. However, the salient question is “is it true”? While truth stands whether or not anyone chooses to believe it, as individuals we all make our own decisions on what we believe or don’t believe. In the important, worldwide, discussions around COVID and the mRNA vaccines I hope you will take the time to investigate what is being put forward by doctors and scientists on both sides of the discussion.

I am dedicating this post to expanding the viewership of this interview of Dr. David Martin. It is approximately 1 hr. in length. I hope you will view it and consider/research the assertions made within it.

An interview on the current lawsuit in the U.S. regarding the COVID/VAX campaign.

More information on mRNA writing itself into the DNA:

Pfizer mRNA vaccine goes into liver and changes into DNA, Swedish study finds

Doctors explaining the Swedish discovery on a talk show.

A personal Q and A around COVID and the vaccines.

Image: (c) solarseven

After a couple years of reading and listening to the information being put forward by the media and by many doctors and other highly qualified scientists and researchers, I decided to do a Q and A type format to share what I have learned so far regarding COVID and the mRNA vaccines. These answers may seem vague. They are not intended to be definitive. For the average person on the street, trying to find definitive answers around COVID and the vaccines can be a little like trying to grab an eel. There is no shortage of “true believers” on either side of the vaccine issue looking to proselytize you. It behooves all of us to look into this subject from both the pro and con perspectives. Possibly this Q and A can help you begin to formulate a viable risk/benefit analysis for your own decisions. Keep in mind that all my opinions are based upon information which I have found published by either medical doctors or other qualified professionals who took the time to address the COVID issue. We all need to vet the professionals we choose to believe in this convoluted, controversial issue.

Q. Does COVID exist? A. Yes. There seems to be little dispute among qualified doctors and scientists that the COVID virus exists.

Q. Are some people dying from COVID? A. Yes.

Q. Do some people survive COVID without having been vaccinated? A. Yes.

Q. Does having been vaccinated reduce the severity of symptoms if contracting COVID? A. For some, not for all.

Q. Are there some lasting adverse health effects from having had COVID? A. For some.

Q. Are there risks associated with taking the vaccines? A. Yes. For some more than others.

Q. Are some people dying from the vaccines? A. Yes.

Q. Are some people experiencing severe, but non-fatal, adverse effects from the vaccines? A. Yes.

Q. Do all people who receive the vaccines experience lasting, adverse side effects? A. No.

Q. Does being vaccinated mean that you cannot transmit COVID to others? A. No.

Q. Do the vaccine manufacturers, or the governments which mandate vaccines, stand behind them by paying for losses due to adverse side effects? A. No. (This was something which was determined before the vaccines were released.)

Q. Is it more dangerous for a school aged child to be vaccinated than to contract COVID? A. It depends upon the child. For some children, taking the vaccine has produced tragic results.

Q. Are there effective treatments, other than vaccines, which are being used to protect people from COVID? A. Yes.

Q. Are these “other than vaccine” treatments safe and effective? A. Some are definitely safer and more effective than others.

Q. Can my doctor tell me if I am someone at a greater or lesser risk for adverse side effects if I am trying to decide whether or not to be vaccinated? A. With the amount of time that vaccinations have been taking place, and with the tens of thousands of cases of those who have experienced adverse side effects available for review, one might tend to think so. However, ask your doctor.

Q. If, due to pre-existing conditions, I believe I am at higher risk for an adverse reaction to the vaccines, will my doctor prescribe one or more of the medications which are showing efficacy in treating COVID? A. Ask your doctor. Good luck with that.

Q. Is the blanket statement that the vaccines are safe and effective true? A. No. Results in both areas, safety and effectiveness, can and do vary, sometimes greatly, from individual to individual.

Q. Especially with relatively safe and effective alternative treatments available, why isn’t the highly regarded practice of individual treatment plans, which take an individual’s existing health issues and personal lifestyle choices into account, being used when prescribing, or administering, mRNA vaccines? A. Good question.

Q. Is it true the sale of vaccines is producing extravagant profits for some? A. Yes.

Again, this Q and A presentation is not meant to be a definitive review of the topics presented. In fact, it may well produce more questions for you than answers. If so, that can be a good thing if you follow through and research the information, both pro and con, on the questions you have.

It is time to remember our humanity.

Image (c) AlexMax

Over the past 6+ decades “our” Federal Government has lied to us about the JFK and RFK assassinations. Also, the Vietnam war, the Oklahoma City Bombing, the first WTC bombing, MK Ultra, UFO’s, 9/11, WMD’s in Iraq, and more. Why are so many people so willing to blindly accept that we are getting the truth about COVID and the “vaccines”? To the best of my knowledge, there has never been a time, nor a set of issues, when so many qualified, independent, professionals have felt compelled to speak out against what the Government and “mainstream” media are presenting to us. Professionals from various medical, biological, other scientific and legal disciplines are putting their professional credibility, their livelihoods, on the line to speak out.

What is the reason for the “tunnel vision” that has gripped so many educated, caring people? The “masses” have blindly followed the directives to destroy livelihoods, to impose isolation, to deprive youth of educational opportunities, to witness dramatic increases in poverty, depression and suicides. To be complicit in coercing neighbors to be injected with an experimental substance which those people did not want inside their bodies. All this based in fear of a disease, which, if left totally untreated, has a 99.9% + survival rate. If the WHO had not unilaterally redefined the term “pandemic”, from it’s traditional meaning, during the time of the Swine Flu, what is going on would not be a “pandemic”.

It is time to remember our humanity, our individuality. It’s time to stop trying to force our own health care decisions upon everyone. The value and necessity of individualized care has been a standard within the medical field for some time. Prior to being “vaccinated” or treated for COVID, are people being truly given the benefit of informed consent? Are the options which are recognized and utilized with success in other countries being made available? To the best of my knowledge, there has never been a time when those at the top of the pyramid of the medical, political and media establishment in the United States have worked so diligently to keep accurate information about a disease, and about viable treatment options, away from the general public. And there has never been a time when the American public has been so amenable to such censorship.

It’s time we recall our humanity. It’s time we remember that while we all are of essentially the same biology, within the basic similarity there are many significant differences. Differences which have come about via genetics, injuries, and/or exposures to a variety of experiences. Some of these individual differences can have a determination upon how various medical treatments and pharmaceuticals affect us. That is an essential reality of our human experience. Is it something we are ready to cavalierly dismiss in deference to…what…corporate profits?

The world is in turmoil. What can we do?

Much of what’s taking place in the world today has been made possible by amazing communication technologies. While these technologies bring much of positive value to the world, as with so many other developments, they also offer those with dishonorable motives new avenues through which to prey upon communities. The latter application of these technologies has reached such proportion, If I wasn’t seeing it happen, I’m not sure I would have believed it to be possible. I grieve that it is.

I was born in 1950. I remember the U.S. Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy. I remember what I saw as a child of life in those times. I remember the post WWII mind set which was predominant in those days in the midwestern United States. There was an undercurrent of optimism, positivity. Diseases were being conquered, diplomacy, rather than war, occupied the headlines. People felt good that tyranny, authoritarianism, genocide, had been defeated. As is all too clear now, the world wasn’t as free of some of these human problems as many believed.

It’s not that everything was ideal, not at all. There were (and sadly still are) issues of ignorance, misunderstanding, fear, hatred, between people of differing races and religions. There were the major rifts between the nations identifying with capitalism and those identifying with communism. However, during WWII, people from many nations, nations with histories of distrust, antagonism, had pulled together to defeat a common enemy. There was optimism that the common values which had surfaced during the war could be built upon to establish lasting peaceful relationships. It was a time of the belief in unlimited possibilities for a better world.

What is absolutely apparent now, is that those who perceived the possibilities for improving the conditions of life for all people, weren’t the only ones seeing unlimited possibilities. There were those who saw the potential of using the new technologies, the developments in transportation, communication, psychology, medicine, and other disciplines, as tools for plunder. Rather than embracing the opportunities to engage in massive development, to facilitate improvements for the common good, they saw, and continue to see, human deficits through the lens of exploitation. Not as areas of need to be addressed with pervasive development and education, but as openings to be exploited in order to establish themselves in predatory positions of power within the systems of the world.

It is apparent now, that post WWII, those seeking personal wealth and power have been working, manipulating public perception. Often co-opting the very symbols which had represented the defeat of tyranny, authoritarianism and inhuman behaviors. They employ words and symbols which once stirred the most positive motives within people to obfuscate and shield their predatory agendas. One of the first major coups these people won was, via magazines, television, and other media, establishing the idea of unrestrained pursuit of personal wealth as a positive primary value in the psyche of people around the world. Once that lie, a lie which ignores basic values necessary to maintaining both healthy individuals and healthy cultures, was pervasively established in the minds of the population, the door to pandemonium was opened.

Competitive economics establishes a system in which those at the top have the distinct advantage. The oppressive, sometimes murderous, methods used to maintain and expand the wealth of those at the top become just the methods of “business as usual”. After all, it’s what you would do if you had all that money? Isn’t it? It’s the value system the media repeatedly portrays as the way of the world. And many, especially those who have never been exposed to something different, simply assume that impression to be the global, inescapable reality.

Abraham Maslow provided us with a working framework, a skeleton, within which it is possible to “flesh out” not only healthy, thriving individuals, also healthy, thriving cultures.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

How do we know what is needed to “flesh out”, to establish a viable, worldwide, thriving human culture? We have the findings of the work done in many scientific disciplines over many centuries to guide us. Psychology, sociology, medicine, agriculture, engineering, all of these disciplines, and more, hold information which provides the necessary answers. There are the developments in science and the arts which provide much instruction for the establishment and maintenance of a healthful, thriving human culture. There are answer available to us to the problems of housing, health, energy, pollution, and more. Sometimes these answers go unused because they interfere with the profit motive of those in positions of power. And we accept it because the culture of competitive economics has become normalized.

The thing is, we have got the tools we need to establish a world in which people of many different backgrounds can live together as vital aspects of our world ecology, interacting and enhancing each other’s experience of life. What is missing is the focus to make it happen. I would have said the “will” to make it happen, but I believe that will is present, inside every living human being. Sometimes it is dormant, sometimes it has been covered in so much pain and trauma, so many lies and misdirections, that it expresses itself in twisted, destructive ways. But it is there.

As a teacher of mine once said: “Life takes work, it’s death that’s easy. Just do nothing and you will die.”

All people emanate from and are inextricably a part of the Divine Creative Spirit. This aspect of our existence is represented by the golden circle in the center in the diagram above. The next area, the circle which surrounds the center circle, is the “Worldly Persona” which is the identity the rest of world knows us by. It is defined by our words and deeds which are observable to the rest of the people in the world. It is this persona that is the product of the process described below. Our persona reflects the sum total of our worldly experiences, desires and decisions.

There are no “bad people”, there are no “good people”, there are only people. What makes the difference between tyrants such as Adolf Hitler, Mary I of England, or Pol Pot and revered personalies such as Gautama Buddha, St. Teresa of Calcutta, or Martin Luther King Jr.? It is not some mysterious, unknown variables. The difference lies in the sum total of their individual experiences (education, indoctrination, relationships, interactions), their desires, and their decisions. It is important to note here that the “sum total” may include the experiences, desires and decisions of many lifetimes. Also that biology and/or injuries can play a major role in the development of an individual’s persona.

However, we are thinking beings with free will. We have the potential to change. We can mold not only ourselves, but the world we live in. If we decide we desire a better, more harmonious, world, and we act upon that desire, we can bring that vision to reality. It may take time, but the sooner we start, the sooner we arrive.

With the determination to do so, bitterness can be transmuted to understanding. Fear and hatred can be transmuted to caring and love. However, we must stay aware that the opposite is also true. Caring and love, with enough abuse and trauma, especially when accompanied by input and reinforcement to do so, can be replaced with hatred and cruelty. We must end the mistreatment, the cruelties we impose upon one another. We must see each other as being the children of the same Creator, which we are. As we now know, we are all inextricably interconnected. Isn’t it time we established the positive, harmonious, joyful, reality we all, at the core of our being, long for?

In summation, while we all can, at times, be negatively affected by the world around us, through enlightenment, education, understanding, we can transmute negative impulses into constructive actions. We can play a more positively determinate role within our own lives, within our relationships, and within the world around us.

At this time, around the world, we are being advised by individuals and agencies, which wield substantial worldly power, to be fearful. We are being urged, coerced, to be compliant, to follow the instructions we’re being given. Instructions which appeal to the fear the media and corporate powers are largely responsible for instilling. In their positions of power within the media, the corporate powers are wielding an incredible ability of censorship over information. They routinely do not publish truths which disagree with, which dispute the predatory agendas they are implementing. A predominant one at this time is the COVID/”vaccine” agenda. Any information which contradicts the fear based agenda they are pushing, is either censored in corporate media, or, if it is referred to, it is done so in such a way as to discredit that information.

A collection of various and sometimes overlapping people have introduced a previously unknown disease into the world apparently in the pursuit of a homicidal, special interest, agenda. And they may introduce more. They are offering toxic, death-dealing treatments and doing all they can to repress the knowledge of the existence of safe, effective treatments. And throughout it all, they are engineering the flow of vast amounts of the world’s wealth into their hands. Yet we can make the decision to comply with this heinous agenda, or not. We have the final decision in whether or not to allow the pollution of our minds and spirits with the fear and hate they are promoting. And, we have the final decision whether or not to allow the pollution of our bodies with the toxic substances they are pushing.

Changing the focus back to our inherent divine origin and heritage, even when we are being motivated by fear, anger, hatred, even then, through the filters of our mind which are active at that time, we are expressing the innate desire for life which is present within all of us. However, if we desire a more harmonious, healthful, joyful life, we need to discipline ourselves to refrain from expressions which lead to more harm, more trauma, more fear, anger and hatred in the world. While we cannot ignore such emotions when they are present, we must learn to see through to the primary, underlying reality of the desire for life which is there. We must learn to see it not only within ourselves, but in “the other”. When we can do that, and when we embrace the values of negotiation, understanding, mutuality, and the desire for resolutions which enhance the harmony of human interactions, we can have a genuine heaven on Earth.

All through my life I have heard skeptics, cynics, say that such a thing is “too idealistic”, not practical, not possible. Even they, in doing so, inadvertently acknowledge the ideal nature of such thinking. If we aren’t devoting our time and energies toward seeking and establishing the ideal, what are we spending them on? Seeking and establishing the mediocre? The dysfunctional? Or are we just letting entropy, the slow slide into dissolution, be our guiding motive?

Ultimately, whether in the United States or someplace else in the world at large, the term coined in the U.S. by the authors of the Declaration of Independence, “We the People“, represents a reality which can stop tyrannical abuses and elevate humanity. It is within our individual decisions, that we collectively possess the ability to determine the direction this period of history will follow.

It’s time we stopped the brutality of the mandates and the widespread suffering they perpetuate.

For over a year we have seen small businesses closed, people isolated, depression on the rise, suicides on the rise, homicides on the rise.  We have seen billions funneled toward Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson, and Astra Zeneca.  We have seen the “big box” stores;  Walmart, Costco and others, including the online store Amazon, reaping billions from the shut down of competition.  Now thousands, if not millions, are losing, or will lose, their jobs due to the draconian mandates by President Biden and many State Governors.  There are millions experiencing death and crippling reactions from the so-called “vaccines”.  The most authoritative report on the subject, the “Lazarus Report”, more formally entitled “Electronic Support for Public Health-Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (ESP:VAERS)” in their study of the adverse event reporting system, data collected from 6/2006 to 10/2009, they found that only 1% of vaccine adverse reactions are reported.  The current VAERS report of deaths from the COVID vaccines is 16,766.  Using the aforementioned Report’s findings, that predicts deaths from COVID vaccines are more in the area of 16 million.  This is not even counting crippling neurological reactions and other adverse reactions. 

There has never been such an egregious case of the “cure” being worse than the disease.  Yet, driven by the media’s fear mongering, millions of Americans, blinded by that fear, continue to support harsher and more pervasive mandates. All being done under the misguided, if not criminal, pretense of protecting the public.  All in response to a virus which has negatively affected far fewer lives than has the brutality of the official responses; shutdowns, mandates.  We are seeing first-hand how fear can drive people to abandon both rationality and civility.

In the midst of all this we should not lose sight of the fact that an elite few are reaping windfall profits from the ongoing events.  And that those few occupy positions of extraordinary influence within the halls of government and industry, including all forms of media. 

Now the profiteers are looking to expand the sales (and it is sales, we do pay for the injections people are receiving “for free”, via our tax dollars) to inject children over the age of 5.  Considering the extremely high probability that most of the damage being done by these “vaccines” is going unreported, being almost entirely ignored by media, this is a move which is heinous in it’s disregard, if not it’s contempt, for the lives of the children being targeted. 

What we are experiencing is an attempt to establish a worldwide, repressive, technocracy based in dogma rather than science.  True science can deliver us from the barrage of propaganda the world is reeling from.

“Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours.”
― John Locke

My goal in writing this post is to provide the reader with enough information to give a thinking, rational person pause in regard to what is going on in the U.S., and in the world, around the COVID phenomenon. I am not trying to write a comprehensive review of the literature, but to concisely provide enough information that hopefully you’ll do some more thorough research on your own (if you haven’t already). To help you, for those who may not realize this, any purple text is a link to an article relating to the material in this post.

Some may find the next paragraph offensive. If you do, I can only say that giving offense is not my intention.  Losing a loved one is hard.  Whether that loss is from COVID, an auto accident, other illnesses, or whatever the cause may be.  That being said, we need to get some perspective on the fear mongering that is being waged by various government officials and media outlets.  The COVID phenomenon has been going on for over a year now and some realities are emerging.

Today, 9/1/2021, the number of Americans whose death is being officially attributed to COVID is 648,051.  That seems, by itself, to be a big number.  However, it represents, in fact, only 0.00197% of the total population of the United States.  Less than two one-thousandths.  On a global level, there are 218,013,318 confirmed cases. That is 0.0278 (rounding up) of the total global population. Of those who are confirmed cases, 4,525,338 have died.  That number is 0.0207% of the number of confirmed cases.  Less than 1/10 of 1%.  To further put some perspective on the actual size of the threat relative to the entire population of the planet, the deaths represent 0.00058% (rounding up) of the total global population.  Less than 6/10,000 of the population.  Is it good?  No, it absolutely isn’t. One tenth of that number, or even one death, would not be good.  But is it a threat of the magnitude that warrants the heavy-handed lockdowns and other mandates those in power are routinely waging and so many of the wealthy elite are profiting from?

Getting some perspective on the COVID deaths number is critical. Equally important is realizing that tens, if not hundreds, of millions, have had their lives tragically affected by the heavy-handed lockdowns and mandates being waged, nominally, under the banner of fighting COVID.  Loss of income, housing, educational opportunities, regular meals, missed medical visits/procedures.  Increases in isolation, depression, suicides, drug use and addiction. There also is a predicted increase in spousal abuse and child abuse (I could not find any more recent article to cite). It seems to be widely believed that, at this time, many cases are not being reported.

It’s time to realize Big Pharma;  Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson, and AstraZeneca, are, if nothing else, using the COVID fear mongering to line their pockets.  They evidently will do whatever they can, use whatever method they can, no matter how unethical, to further the sales of their products.  At this time the “informed consent” required by both the American Medical Association’s Code of Ethics and the Nuremburg Code is being routinely neglected. 

While the AMA Code of Ethics applies to all medical treatment in the U.S. conducted by a member of the organization, the Nuremberg Code limits itself to experimental treatments and procedures and applies to anyone taking part in the experimentation. At this time those promoting the mRNA injections (also known as the COVID vaccines) are saying they are no longer experimental. I respond to that by drawing your attention to the reality that no one, absolutely no one, not the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture them nor the public and private interests that are promoting them, are willing to assume responsibility (any legal liability) for what the “vaccines” do.

Applying logic to the reality of the clear distancing both the manufacturers and the promoters of the vaccines are placing between themselves and the effects of the vaccines, necessarily leads a person to one of two conclusions: 1. Those selling and promoting the mRNA injections do not know what the vaccine is going to do and they have some serious concerns. That inherently means the vaccines are experimental and therefore fall under the Nuremberg Code. Or, 2. Those selling and promoting the mRNA injections do know what the vaccines are going to, the vaccines are not experimental, the manufacturers and promoters know it’s not good, and that knowledge leads them to totally and absolutely reject accepting any liability for the results. That places the vaccines in the realm of a criminal activity.

So which is preferable? What does the evidence tell us? There have been many independent doctors and scientists, from around the world, giving statements which tend to support conclusion #2. Dr. Lee Merritt, past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons is one of them. Myself, I would much rather believe that conclusion #1 is what is going on, but the evidence increasingly refutes that. One of the strongest statements thus far supporting conclusion #2 comes from Dr. Robert O. Young. Using various types of microscopy, Dr. Young has examined all four of the vaccines currently available in the U.S. and published his results. His findings are a de facto indictment of the vaccines and those manufacturing and promoting them.

Pushing mandatory vaccination as the only acceptable treatment, with a vaccine which even those who produce it don’t want responsibility for, is, at the least, unconscionable.  This is especially true when there is so much in the way of other effective nutritional and medicinal interventions available Proper nutrition, vitamins and minerals go a long way to keeping our immune systems robust. Vitamin D along with zinc and some other nutritional substances are often recommended right now. Reports have come from various countries and independent medical practitioners that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are effective at protecting a person from the ravages of the virus. This latter information is something the U.S. media seems to work overtime to keep out of sight.  And if references to the effectiveness of Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine do manage to surface, there is every effort made to discredit either the information, the source of the information, or both.  Many previously esteemed medical practitioners and scientists have found themselves the target of character assassination after disclosing information unfavorable to the promotion of further usage of the COVID vaccines.

I feel it’s important to add; there are reports of people using a veterinary preparation of Ivermectin who are overdosing. If true, this is truly unfortunate, however, it is not that unpredictable when our medical practitioners are, for some reason, refusing, or neglecting, to give us accurate information and appropriate prescriptions. I encourage you to do your own research, access authoritative, reliable sources, speak to your primary medical provider (although you may find them to be merely parroting the official CDC line) learn more.

What we are experiencing is an attempt to establish a worldwide, repressive, technocracy based in dogma rather than science. 

The bottom line as I see it is that, for the most part, we’re all doing the best we can to see ourselves and our communities through the challenges we face. It is my sincere hope that we all make it safely through these trying times. If we do, it will be because we opened ourselves up to our interrelatedness and are acting in ways which help support and care for one another. It will be because, in the final analysis, we allow ourselves to be guided by love rather than fear.

The good news is that we can beat this. The bad news is rather than beating it, we’re committing cultural suicide.

The media’s use of descriptors such as “surge”, “breakout”, “runs rampant”, would lead a person to believe that people are succumbing to COVID in incredibly large numbers.   

Take a breath. 

Here are some figures from the mainstream sources who claim to be tracking COVID.  Let’s start with getting some perspective, the population of the U.S. is officially, as of today, August 31, 2021, is 328,240,000.  That is three hundred twenty-eight million, two hundred and forty thousand people.  That is us, the residents of the United States of America.  Among us, cumulatively from the beginning of COVID hitting our shores, 39,343,501 of us are confirmed as having, at some point, contracted COVID.  That is 0.1198% of us as a whole.  In reality, a very small percentage of us.  Further, this isn’t the number of people who got so sick that hospitalization was needed, this is just confirmed cases.  Of this small percentage of us who did contract a confirmed case of COVID, just slightly more than one/tenth of one percent, 1.647%, or 648,051 of us, officially died of COVID.  That means that out of the entire population of us, 0.00197% of us have died of COVID. Or less than two one-thousandths of a percent.  When it comes to the media’s sensationalism of COVID, we are being sold a tempest in a teapot. 

Are around six hundred and fifty thousand deaths from COVID a good thing?  No.  But is it a catastrophe that warrants closing small businesses, does it warrant millions of people losing jobs, incomes, housing, educational opportunities?  Does it warrant the rise in depression, addiction and suicides which are taking place in the nation?  Does it warrant the loss of individual rights which is taking place throughout the U.S.?  I don’t think there’s any question that countless more lives have been hit with tragedy due to the mandates which President Biden, Anthony Fauci and numerous Governors have waged than have been tragically affected by COVID. 

Time to get some perspective and restore the freedoms, of livelihood, of education, even of the ability to choose the medications we, as individuals, would like to use if we face infection.  Right now the U.S. has the highest mortality rate, small as it is, from COVID from than most, if not all, other countries in the world.  Many other countries, India for one, have benefited greatly from the use of Ivermectin, others are reporting positive results with Hydroxychloroquine.  In the U.S. it seems these effective medications are being withheld. Recently I calculated the mortality rate within ten countries using the official figures. I see very little difference in the rate whether a country has vaccinated a lot, or a little, of their population. As mentioned above, the U.S. has the worst rate of those I checked. I invite you to check a few more. Post your results in the comments to this post.

So here we are, the good news is we’re facing a very beatable challenge.  The bad news is we’re being misled into believing it’s much more virulent than it is and that it is an all but unbeatable challenge. The draconian measures being put forward by those in positions of political power like being (figuratively) asked to cut off our limbs as a precaution, and we’re doing it.  This is much more related to the power of the press than the reality of COVID.

Toward a Deeper Understanding of the Covid Controversies

For many there is no controversy. Those who fall into this group are people who are either exclusively exposed to the mainstream media narrative around Covid and the so-called “vaccines”, or those without sufficient awareness in the issues to realize the validity of the many authoritative voices of dissent. Voices from many disciplines and many countries. The majority of the population of the world most likely fall into the second group. There is no degree of personal failing whatsoever in being in this group. We live in world which has been moving toward specialized fields of knowledge and professions for decades. We generally rely upon the honesty and ethics of those who work in different fields than our own. At times, due to the degree of specialization which can exist even within a particular field of knowledge, we often do not understand all the aspects of our own chosen career fields. Yet while there is no personal failing inherent in not knowing everything, all the time (no one does), sometimes what we don’t know can hurt us.

The reality is there is a great deal of controversy among those highly skilled in the fields of medicine, microbiology, and virology around both the presentation of the Covid virus itself and particularly around the nature and safety of the purported “vaccines” being pushed. That is the right word, “pushed”, so unrelentingly around the world. It would not be inaccurate to compare the approach to marketing the Covid “vaccines” to the “shock and awe” campaign of the Iraq war. For the most part, there is no genuine effort being put forward to obtain informed consent from those being injected. Also, there is the reality that none of the pharmaceutical companies nor the governments, nor the health organizations such as the CDC or the WHO, who are so relentlessly pushing the “vaccines”, can, or will, offer any guarantees as to the effectiveness, nor the safety of these products. In point of fact, the pharmaceutical companies have diligently worked to obtain governmental immunities which prevent them from being held responsible for any harm done by the products.

Why am I so resistant to calling the pharmaceutical concoctions being pushed vaccines? Because none of them, not the Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson, nor any other version of the mRNA concoctions are produced, nor designed, to work in the same manner as any previous vaccine. Previous vaccines have all been made by a process described in the CDC’s explanation of what a vaccine is made of, available on their website (unless they’ve taken it down since May 8, 2021). By this explanation, these concoctions are not vaccines.

I am going to endeavor to keep the rest of this article as brief and concise as possible. In doing this I am intending, and hoping, the reader will access the linked materials (in purple text). They are videos and articles by authoritative, independent, doctors and scientists whose perspectives on what is happening around Covid, and the vaccines, differ greatly from the mainstream media narrative. I am going to, of necessity (there are many such videos and articles) limit the number of these I am including links to in this article. I strongly encourage the reader to do some additional research on their own.

The first aspect of this controversy I want to address, however, is indirectly, rather than directly, related to the science around the virus and the “vaccines” themselves. You see, the trust people have in the doctors, scientists and corporations behind the information being put forward by the mainstream media, is as important a factor, if not more important, in peoples’ decision making than any information being put forward around the “science”. This is an issue my particular field of study, psychology/mental health, along with the experience I’ve had working in both mental health clinics and private practice, lends me to have some clarity in addressing.

From the time we’re small children we are taught that there are some people, who due to the office they occupy within our society, are worthy of our trust. However, by the time most people become adults we learn that sometimes, some “authorities” and/or public officials, do lie. As a matter of fact, it seems that at this point in time, the fact that some, or many, such authorities and/or officials may lie has become so commonplace that it hardly raises an eyebrow. That is not a healthy situation. It is a reality though that many people; common, honest, people, are resistant to understanding the depths of corruption which can and do exist within the halls of power. Such corruption as is currently occurring within the U.S. and within other countries. Although, it is always easier to believe the reports of heinous corruption which involve the “other”. To some people, to seriously consider the profound levels of corruption, which substantial evidence suggests currently exist, creates a condition of cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is not a joke. At the risk of seeming to enter into hyperbole, extreme cognitive dissonance is capable of rendering a person dysfunctional, and has been recognized as even potentially resulting in death.

Simply put, we do not like the feeling of cognitive dissonance, and it seems to be a knee jerk defensive reaction of many to simply offhandedly dismiss information which, it is sensed, may result in cognitive dissonance. On the other hand, some have had to cope with situations that gave them no option but to face, critically analyze, and resolve information which involved considerable cognitive dissonance. Whatever group you’re in, you got there doing the things which seemed the most logical and survival oriented at the time.

However, at this time we are, the vast majority of us, facing an unprecedented challenge in our lives. There are people/corporations who are telling us they have our best interests at heart who want us to accept an irreversible injection of an unproven substance into our bodies and the bodies of our loved ones. Yet, within even the mainstream literature, there is no shortage of examples in which these very same people/corporations have misrepresented their products and/or have marketed a product which caused significant harm to a significant number of consumers. Accompanying this reality are these additional aspects to the Covid/”vaccine” situation:

  • The people most strongly pushing the injections are the people who stand to make the most money from them.
  • The people most strongly pushing the injections can offer no guarantees of either the effectiveness nor the safety of the injection.
  • The people most strongly pushing the injections made sure they had an immunity from any liability for harm caused by the injections before they began putting them on the market. Hardly a vote of confidence in their product.
  • While the CDC and other agencies/corporations commonly associated with public health are endorsing and promoting mandates for the injections, these people and agencies have close ties with the pharmaceutical companies marketing the injections. Some highly placed individuals within these agencies, if not the agencies themselves, stand to make a lot of money from the sales of the injections.
  • The ethical practice of informed consent is rarely, if ever, used in regard to the injections.
  • Instances of short-term adverse reactions to the injections, including deaths, are often being underreported or not reported at all within the mainstream media.
  • Many doctors and scientists refute the need for the injection at all, and, many caution that severe, negative, long-term effects can result from the injections.

In support of the last assertion, I offer these three essential video presentations. Presentations which I strongly recommend for anyone trying to understand the opposition to the mainstream Covid/vaccination agenda. These presentations are linked below. If seriously pursuing knowledge in this area, at a minimum watch these. Other videos and articles, which essentially compliment and support the viewpoints expressed in the three essential videos are also linked below. One video in the second group is not directly addressing the Covid phenomena, but the material contained translates significantly into understanding what is going on around Covid. This latter video is an interview with Kari Mullis, the Nobel Prize winning inventor of the PCR test. The test which is widely used to determine the prevalence of the Covid-19 virus.

As I mentioned above, most people, myself included, are not experts in medicine, microbiology, virology, DNA and RNA research, and/or other aspects of the sciences involved in the issues. I venture to say very few medical doctors (M.D.’s) themselves are experts in the sciences relative to the issues involved. This is a particularly salient truth when it comes to the long-term effects of the mRNA concoctions being injected into millions of people around the world. To the best of public knowledge, no one is an expert in the long-term effects upon humans of the mRNA concoctions. Therefore having reputable, independent, authoritative medical doctors and scientists willing to share their expert perspectives is an invaluable asset. However, before venturing into examining these issues, it is to our benefit to be willing look at our own cognitive programming and, if needed, have the internalized resolve to question our own pre-existing beliefs.


The first video is:

Dr. Dolores Cahill on Immunology, Antibodies, CVD19 – Interviewed by Computing Forever’s Dave Cullen.

For the second two essential videos, go to the website of Dr. Lee Merritt., former Navy physician and surgeon and past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. There, click on the tab labeled “Media” and watch the video entitled “Dr. Lee Merritt-SARS-CoV2 and the Rise of Medical Technocracy“. (This video has been taken down on Dr. Merritt’s webpage, here is a current active link.) Then return to the first page on the site and watch the video “Bio-Warfare and the Weaponization of Medicine Amid Covid“.


Interview with the Nobel Prize winning inventor of the PCR test, Kari Mullis.

Former Pfizer VP Michael Yeadon, Ph.D.: ‘Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.’

Dr. Ryan Cole, CEO and Medical Director of Cole Diagnostics on Vitamin D, Ivermectin, “Vaccines”.

Coronavirus Lawsuits: PCR Tests ‘Unreliability’ is Now Being Used for ‘Class Action’: Update March 2024: This video is no longer online that I can find. However what has happened to Reiner Fuellmich is an ongoing saga: Link to article from Feb. 2024.

I strongly encourage everyone to also do your own research into these issues. Weigh all the evidence, consider possible ulterior motives of the people involved. Equip yourself to make an informed decision about two of the most important issues facing people from around the world. The questions are: 1. What is the reality of the purported Covid pandemic? And, 2. How effective and how safe are the “vaccines” being so intensely pushed by the media, big pharma, various public health entities and even governments?

Stay positive, keep the faith, do the next right thing.

In the Absence of Representative Government

In Washington State a State Senator recently bemoaned the ongoing nature of the special emergency powers ceded by the Legislature to Governor Inslee. This is a very important, very timely issue. It appears that on both the Federal and the State level, Chief Executives have gotten way too comfortable with a unilateral decision making ability. It is time we restored the democratic republic to the form it was intended to be. Would we be experiencing, suffering from, the ongoing oppressive mandates, nominally justified by the, again, nominal Covid pandemic, if the experiences and the wisdom of the people were indeed being followed by a representative government? I don’t think so. The fact is a relative few people have experienced the kind of devastating illness potentially resulting from Covid that the media persists in broadcasting as if it were the reality in every house next door.

This is not to trivialize the suffering of those who have been the hardest hit by the virus, but that being said, we cannot continue to react to the experiences of an extreme minority as if that is the reality for all. While giving such minority experiences the time and attention they deserve, it is not wise governance to base the parameters of the functioning of the entire society upon the abilities or vulnerabilities of the most vulnerable among us.

If the vast majority of Americans took inventory of their own first-hand reality and urged our State and Federal legislators to either enforce, or lift, the harsh mandates based on that inventory, mandates which have led to many citizens losing their jobs, incomes, mental health, physical health or even their lives, we would have seen the mandates lifted months ago, for good. If we would have ever seen them imposed in the first place. I tend to think we may have opted for the initial “flattening the curve” 2-3 weeks, but not the ongoing, oppressive marathon we have experienced.

But that is not the reality we are facing. When it comes to the Covid mandates, we are not being governed by a representative body. We are being dictated to by an authoritarian few, often in an arbitrary manner with only the sketchiest, if any, actual evidence to support their dictates.

It is past time for us to insist upon the reassertion of a genuinely representative government.