What we are experiencing is an attempt to establish a worldwide, repressive, technocracy based in dogma rather than science.  True science can deliver us from the barrage of propaganda the world is reeling from.

“Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours.”
― John Locke

My goal in writing this post is to provide the reader with enough information to give a thinking, rational person pause in regard to what is going on in the U.S., and in the world, around the COVID phenomenon. I am not trying to write a comprehensive review of the literature, but to concisely provide enough information that hopefully you’ll do some more thorough research on your own (if you haven’t already). To help you, for those who may not realize this, any purple text is a link to an article relating to the material in this post.

Some may find the next paragraph offensive. If you do, I can only say that giving offense is not my intention.  Losing a loved one is hard.  Whether that loss is from COVID, an auto accident, other illnesses, or whatever the cause may be.  That being said, we need to get some perspective on the fear mongering that is being waged by various government officials and media outlets.  The COVID phenomenon has been going on for over a year now and some realities are emerging.

Today, 9/1/2021, the number of Americans whose death is being officially attributed to COVID is 648,051.  That seems, by itself, to be a big number.  However, it represents, in fact, only 0.00197% of the total population of the United States.  Less than two one-thousandths.  On a global level, there are 218,013,318 confirmed cases. That is 0.0278 (rounding up) of the total global population. Of those who are confirmed cases, 4,525,338 have died.  That number is 0.0207% of the number of confirmed cases.  Less than 1/10 of 1%.  To further put some perspective on the actual size of the threat relative to the entire population of the planet, the deaths represent 0.00058% (rounding up) of the total global population.  Less than 6/10,000 of the population.  Is it good?  No, it absolutely isn’t. One tenth of that number, or even one death, would not be good.  But is it a threat of the magnitude that warrants the heavy-handed lockdowns and other mandates those in power are routinely waging and so many of the wealthy elite are profiting from?

Getting some perspective on the COVID deaths number is critical. Equally important is realizing that tens, if not hundreds, of millions, have had their lives tragically affected by the heavy-handed lockdowns and mandates being waged, nominally, under the banner of fighting COVID.  Loss of income, housing, educational opportunities, regular meals, missed medical visits/procedures.  Increases in isolation, depression, suicides, drug use and addiction. There also is a predicted increase in spousal abuse and child abuse (I could not find any more recent article to cite). It seems to be widely believed that, at this time, many cases are not being reported.

It’s time to realize Big Pharma;  Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson, and AstraZeneca, are, if nothing else, using the COVID fear mongering to line their pockets.  They evidently will do whatever they can, use whatever method they can, no matter how unethical, to further the sales of their products.  At this time the “informed consent” required by both the American Medical Association’s Code of Ethics and the Nuremburg Code is being routinely neglected. 

While the AMA Code of Ethics applies to all medical treatment in the U.S. conducted by a member of the organization, the Nuremberg Code limits itself to experimental treatments and procedures and applies to anyone taking part in the experimentation. At this time those promoting the mRNA injections (also known as the COVID vaccines) are saying they are no longer experimental. I respond to that by drawing your attention to the reality that no one, absolutely no one, not the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture them nor the public and private interests that are promoting them, are willing to assume responsibility (any legal liability) for what the “vaccines” do.

Applying logic to the reality of the clear distancing both the manufacturers and the promoters of the vaccines are placing between themselves and the effects of the vaccines, necessarily leads a person to one of two conclusions: 1. Those selling and promoting the mRNA injections do not know what the vaccine is going to do and they have some serious concerns. That inherently means the vaccines are experimental and therefore fall under the Nuremberg Code. Or, 2. Those selling and promoting the mRNA injections do know what the vaccines are going to, the vaccines are not experimental, the manufacturers and promoters know it’s not good, and that knowledge leads them to totally and absolutely reject accepting any liability for the results. That places the vaccines in the realm of a criminal activity.

So which is preferable? What does the evidence tell us? There have been many independent doctors and scientists, from around the world, giving statements which tend to support conclusion #2. Dr. Lee Merritt, past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons is one of them. Myself, I would much rather believe that conclusion #1 is what is going on, but the evidence increasingly refutes that. One of the strongest statements thus far supporting conclusion #2 comes from Dr. Robert O. Young. Using various types of microscopy, Dr. Young has examined all four of the vaccines currently available in the U.S. and published his results. His findings are a de facto indictment of the vaccines and those manufacturing and promoting them.

Pushing mandatory vaccination as the only acceptable treatment, with a vaccine which even those who produce it don’t want responsibility for, is, at the least, unconscionable.  This is especially true when there is so much in the way of other effective nutritional and medicinal interventions available Proper nutrition, vitamins and minerals go a long way to keeping our immune systems robust. Vitamin D along with zinc and some other nutritional substances are often recommended right now. Reports have come from various countries and independent medical practitioners that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are effective at protecting a person from the ravages of the virus. This latter information is something the U.S. media seems to work overtime to keep out of sight.  And if references to the effectiveness of Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine do manage to surface, there is every effort made to discredit either the information, the source of the information, or both.  Many previously esteemed medical practitioners and scientists have found themselves the target of character assassination after disclosing information unfavorable to the promotion of further usage of the COVID vaccines.

I feel it’s important to add; there are reports of people using a veterinary preparation of Ivermectin who are overdosing. If true, this is truly unfortunate, however, it is not that unpredictable when our medical practitioners are, for some reason, refusing, or neglecting, to give us accurate information and appropriate prescriptions. I encourage you to do your own research, access authoritative, reliable sources, speak to your primary medical provider (although you may find them to be merely parroting the official CDC line) learn more.

What we are experiencing is an attempt to establish a worldwide, repressive, technocracy based in dogma rather than science. 

The bottom line as I see it is that, for the most part, we’re all doing the best we can to see ourselves and our communities through the challenges we face. It is my sincere hope that we all make it safely through these trying times. If we do, it will be because we opened ourselves up to our interrelatedness and are acting in ways which help support and care for one another. It will be because, in the final analysis, we allow ourselves to be guided by love rather than fear.

8 thoughts on “What we are experiencing is an attempt to establish a worldwide, repressive, technocracy based in dogma rather than science.  True science can deliver us from the barrage of propaganda the world is reeling from.

  1. I disagree with much. I have a question that you didn’t address: one of the concerns is that the medical system is regularly overwhelmed by the numbers of COVID patients. That collapse and the subsequent downstream effects are one of the significant things protocols are trying to protect, in fact. You didn’t mention that as a consequence of the COVID19 strain of the coronavirus: odd, since that’s the effect that’s overwhelming everything.


    1. Thank you for your comment. I assume you’re writing about the medical system in the U.S. When widening one’s perspective, in at least two other countries, Peru and India, widespread use of Ivermectin, conducted properly my the medical practitioners, resulted in dramatic easing of the pressures on the medical systems there. It seems the U.S. is falling victim to tunnel-vision and clinging to a failed practice of sole dependency upon the vaccines.

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      1. No. I’m talking about globally. One of the concerns about COVID19 is the strain it puts on the medical system, leading to its collapse and the subsequent societal issues. Are you really so disingenuous as to ignore all the repeated instances of this, of cities nearing the point of collapse due to the concentration of illness? And I wouldn’t call the US, a nation with no universal healthcare, a society that depends on vaccines. That seems contrary to the evidence of vaccine rates prior to COVID19

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      2. Yes, COVID-19 is straining a number of medical systems. That is a real danger within the countries and areas it is happening in.
        Which are, to the best of my knowledge, notably those who are limiting the tools in their toolbox to those approved by the vaccine profiteers. Look at what happened in India: Ivermectin obliterates 97 percent of Delhi cases | National | thedesertreview.com also at the similar experiences in Peru and Columbia: Real world evidence from Peru and Colombia confirms ivermectin safe and effective – Medical Update Online . To blame the overloading that is happening on various medical systems, systems that rigidly refuse, or neglect, to use all the tools at their disposal to solve the problem, on COVID alone is to, intentionally or unintentionally, participate in furthering the propaganda, and the fear it is feeding. The primary question, if there is one, is: especially in light of the mounting evidence of the error of doing so, why are the people and systems which are still following the directives of Anthony Fauci, the CDC, the WHO and/or any other source of the rigid “vaccine only” doctrine, still doing so?


      1. We have very different opinions but it’s nice to hear what other people think about things. That’s how we modify and change. It’s how we get exposed to new ideas and information. Thanks. Stay healthy 🙂

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